We Are KinderRijk
Education and its quality is a prominent element at Stichting KinderRijk. For over 55 years, we have been committed to providing the best childcare for every child. With approximately 600 employees at some 40 locations, we dedicate ourselves to providing the best care every day.
Our Story
In the late 1960s, a group of parents decided it was time to have childcare set up to enable them to combine work and family life. Together they founded KinderRijk, a non-profit foundation dedicated to providing the best care for every child.
Now, over 55 years later, the KinderRijk foundation has grown into a professional organisation, with around 600 employees at some 40 locations dedicated to help children discover the world and encourage them to develop in a natural way and through play every day. We collaborate with municipalities, care organisations, primary schools, cultural partners and other organisations within the sector.
KinderRijk is a foundation
Education and the quality of education have top priority at KinderRijk. We give all children room to develop naturally and through play into happy, strong and socially adept people. This also means that any profit made is put directly into the foundation. This keeps us a financially healthy organisation where we are able to (further) develop our quality standards. We invest in both our children and our staff.

Quality and safety
Quality and safety are essential aspects at KinderRijk. KinderRijk complies with the Childcare Act with regard to safety, hygiene and health. We are much aware of the vulnerability of young children and therefore pay much attention to safety. Safety, hygiene and health are strongly related. Among others, the National Institute for Publich Health and Environment (RIVM) guidelines apply to health, hygiene and safety.
Together with primary school
In Amstelveen, we are the largest providers of after-school care and have an after-school care facility in or near almost every primary school. We believe that a proper alignment between education and care is essential in terms of both content and practice.
We are convinced that education and care need each other and should collaborate. A natural extension from childcare to primary school and effective alignment also involves more peace and stability for your child and yourself.
Organisational structure
Board of Directors
Our organisation is managed by the Board of Directors (BoD), consisting of Margreet Hellemons-van Dijk, chairman of the Board of Directors and Soufyan el Hamdi, director of Finance and Operations,
member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reports to the Supervisory Board, the Employees Council and the Central Parent Council. The Board of Directors sets the strategic outlines and bears final responsibility for KinderRijk in terms of content and finance, while a number of decisions requires the prior approval of the Supervisory Board (SB).
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board (SB) supervises policy and general matters, such as the achievement of KinderRijk’s objectives, strategy and the risks associated with the operational activities. The SB moreover supervises, for example, the financial reporting process and compliance with laws and regulations.
The SB is made up of six independent members, one of whom is nominated by the Employees Council and one of whom is nominated by the Central Parent Council.
Currently, the SB is made up of:
- Jacob Boskma, chairman, consultant, supervisor at Wijzer in Opvang en Onderwijs;
- Arthur Kohn, Director Legal at Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe B.V.;
- Marianne van Gelder, education-care-welfare advisor;
- Peter Velseboer, independent management consultant and interim director;
- Katrin Brand, investment manager at NLFI;
- Hans Vermeeren, independent accountant, consultant and interim manager, supervisor.
Transparency and integrity
KinderRijk subscribes to the Childcare Governance Code and has a whistleblower regulation and a treasury statute in place. The supervisors are members of the VTOI-NVTK (association of supervisors in education and childcare) and the directors are members of the bdKO (Professional association of directors in childcare). Both organisations are focused on the proper application of the code. In addition, a code of conduct is available that applies to the director of KinderRijk.
The Supervisory Board regulations and the Board of Directors regulations, the Foundation’s articles of association, the supervisory vision, Childcare Governance Code and the code of conduct for the director can be retrieved from our secretariat. The secretariat can be contacted at: secretariaat@kinderrijk.nl.