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KinderRijk is a social childcare organisation. What does this mean?

Profits are reinvested back into the organisation: into the children and our staff.

We are here for all children. Even in neighbourhoods where this might not be profitable. Because we want all children to have a future in which they can be the best version of themselves. Also the children for whom a promising future is not self-evident.

We approach all of our actions with the child’s best interests in mind, and will explain to you how this works in practice.

Did you know that KinderRijk is a non-profit foundation? If we make a profit, we invest it in the development of our children and staff. All our earnings are used for aspects such as:

  • providing an inspiring range of activities.
  • creating an encouraging learning environment (including nature gardens and workshops).
  • investing in training our educational professionals. So they can provide for the needs of all children.

Therefore no profit motive, yet every child profits!

Buitenschoolse opvang
Buitenschoolse opvang

The fact that we are here for all children also means: working intensively with everyone who is important for the child. We therefore do not only communicate with the parents, but also with the City, schools and school boards; and with the speech therapist, the Kabouterhuis and AmstelveenSport.

We also work together and share knowledge within our sector. We are members of the Branchevereniging Maatschappelijke Kinderopvang (BMK) (Social Childcare Trade Association) and of Kwaliteit in Kinderopvang (KIK) (Quality Standards in Child Care).

Equal opportunities for every child

We signed a manifesto with the childcare organisations Swazoom Childcare, Akros and Impuls. In this manifesto we promise to commit time, knowledge and resources to combat inequality of opportunity.
The SKAI Children’s Festival is a great initiative that developed from this. This three-day event was free of charge. It allowed all children from the region to experience a day full of fun during the summer holidays. Also the children for whom a promising environment is not self-evident.

What else do we do for equal opportunities? We provide preschool care with Early Childhood Education, for example. This prepares children, who could use some extra help, for primary school in a natural manner. Fun is the primary goal. KinderRijk also employs educational staff specialising in supporting children who need more care.

Developing at KinderRijk

Working towards a future where all children can be the best version of themselves? We moreover accomplish this by inspiring children to actively learn, try new things and find solutions by themselves.

This takes place within 7 developmental areas: Motor skills, Social-Emotional, Music and Dance, Creativity, Language Skills, Experience of Nature and Technology, Measurement and Maths.

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