Parent Committee
Making contact, reaching, grabbing, standing, climbing, getting dirty, going on an adventure together, trying new and exciting things, pushing boundaries at your own pace, coming up with solutions yourself, making friends. Do you ever think about what children discover, experience, and learn at KinderRijk?

The best care for your child
The first years of life are essential for the development and education of a child. KinderRijk provides a safe, versatile, and challenging environment.
We encourage children to dare to be themselves. We give them space to develop naturally and through play into happy, capable, and socially skilled people.
Thinking along
You wouldn’t want to miss out on this essential period, would you? Or would you like to provide advice on matters that concern children and parents at your child care location? You will have the oppertunity to do so at the Parent Committee. Together we ensure the best care for your child!
What does the parent committee do?
Each child care location has a Parent Committee: it’s the link between you, the parent, and KinderRijk. The most important task? Providing the very best care!
You can share your thoughts, have say, and participate in decision-making regarding:
- Policy, in particular the educational policy of your location
- Nutrition, safety and health
- Preschool education
- Opening hours
- Adoption and amendment of the complaints procedure
- Changes to the childcare fees.
Subjects such as the location’s annual plan, the results of the results of the City Health Authority inspection, the range of activities, and the organisation of festivities are also items for the agenda.
Will you join?
We can use your help! Show your expertise, organisational talent or other qualities in the Parent Committee. You decide how much time you want to invest and when. We meet several times a year.
In addition to the opportunity to participate, you have close contact with the team that is committed to the care and development of your child, and you will stay informed of the latest developments at your location
Are you interested or would you like more information? Please contact your location manager or the Parent Committee of your childcare location.
The Central Parent Council
In addition to the Parent Committees at the locations, KinderRijk also has a Central Parents Council, which represents the interests of parents and children throughout KinderRijk.
The cooperation between the Central Parents Council and the Parents Committees is highly valuable. A partnership is pursued, in which each has its own tasks and responsibilities. Where the Central Parents Council discusses the central policy and frameworks with the director-administrator and issues advice on this, the Parents Committee, together with the location manager, translates this policy into a practical instrument at the location.
Read more about the Central Parent Council here.