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Home > locations > KinderRijk Preschool Schweitzerlaan

Preschool Schweitzerlaan

2 to 4 years

Places available *

The Schweitzerlaan preschool is a pleasant and spacious location where your toddler can explore the world around him at his own pace. For example, what tickle bugs can you find in the beautiful and adventurous nature garden? And what things can you do with the kitchen rolls, caps, glue and cork you find in the workshop?

We discover shapes and colours together in a natural and playful way. We learn new words. We observe how seeds grow into cucumbers. We play games that improve motor skills. And plenty more. But the one thing that always comes first? That’s fun!

Our experienced team members are enthusiastic and committed. We put children first and enjoy working with themes. From ‘farm animals’ to ‘who am I?’. And if colours are the focal subject this week, it could just be that all the children come to the care location dressed in a different colour every day. And that we taste food in that same colour. We turn small things into an experience!

* We are expecting to start Preschool Schweitzerlaan in March 2025. You are welcome to register now. If you should like to learn more, please call or email our Child Planning Department: 020 – 426 08 66 or

At this location

  • Regular preschool
  • Adventurous nature garden with a vegetable garden
  • Workshop
  • Interactive movement floor
  • Theme and play corners
  • Care during 40 school weeks
  • Opening hours between 8 a.m. and 12 noon

Also at this location

What does a day at our preschool look like?

Each preschool location has its own daily routine. Below you can find out what a day at our preschool basically looks like. The educational staff can tell you about the specific day programme.

Your child is welcomed from 8 a.m. and we will discuss how you all are doing. Parents can stay for a while during the drop-off time to read a book, do a puzzle or play a game with their child.
Having said goodbye to your child, we start the day in the circle. We sing songs, name the days of the week, the colours, the weather and talk to the children about what all they have been up to. Then it’s time for some fruit at the table.
Opportunity for free play and activities geared to your toddler’s development. These activities may include group play, dancing together or creative and developmental activities in the group, in the nature garden or at the workshop.
You can come and pick up your child. You will have the handover with the educational staff member, who takes you through the morning. The educational staff member will especially focus on your child’s growth during the day.
Check out our virtual tour

Practical information

Settling in at preschool

During the settling-in period, we take the time to get to know your child and you, and to let you get used to the new situation. Settling in is an individual process suited to the developmental stage of children and to the specific needs and habits of the children and the parents.

Division into groups

We have 1 preschool group at this location, with children aged 2 to 4.

Parent committee

You can reach the parent committee of Preschool Schweitzerlaan at

How much are the costs of child care?

Would you like to know the costs of child care? Use our handy calculator tool to quickly work out your monthly childcare costs.

Would you like a tour?

Do you want to take a look around this location? You are welcome to a personal tour. We will be happy to tell you more about our educational vision and show you where your child will be developing naturally through fun and play.

Registration – how does it work?

Learn more about how to register for child care at KinderRijk and what to expect during the further procedure.

Area Health Authority Report (GGD) & LRK-number

Read the Area Health Authority Report of Preschool Schweitzerlaan.

LRK-number: 553714818

Educational Method

In the Educational method, you can find more about the daily routine at the location. The Educational method can be viewed in the parent app or requested from the location manager.

Health & safety method

The Health and safety method contains all the details on how the safety policy is implemented at the location. The Health and safety method can be viewed in the parent app or requested from the location manager.

Transitioning to after-school care

Good to know: if your child attends a daycare or preschool at KinderRijk, you will get priority for a place in our after-school care.

Our location manager

”The most beautiful aspect of my job is that parents entrust us with their most precious ‘possession’. With that in mind, we ensure that this is a nurturing environment where children can develop, flourish, wonder and above all, be themselves with all their unique quirks.”


KinderRijk Preschool Schweitzerlaan
Schweitzerlaan 8
1187 JD Amstelveen

Register your child without any obligation

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