After-school care Alsemlaan
4 to 13 years
Places available *
After-school care Alsemlaan is located in Westwijk, in Amstelveen-Zuid. It is a pleasant, small-scale location where children can go and relax in a living-room environment after a busy school day. They can listen to music, read quietly, do homework (possibly under the supervision of our educational staff) or play outside in the garden.
If parents give permission, children can go to their ‘own’ sports club independently for their weekly dance lessons, football training or hockey practice.
Our educational staff regularly offer all kinds of activities. Children can choose whether or not to participate. We offer themed activities during school holidays. We also like to go on a trip, such as to the Clara Maria cheese farm. A special feature of our location is that our educational staff keep a memory book for each child and the children have a say in the care at a special children’s meeting, which is held three to four times a year.
* There are currently several places available at this location (for specific days and/or age groups). Register now without obligation.
Associated Schools
At this location
- Green garden
- Teen club
- Children’s meetings
- Open until 6:30 PM on school days
- Open on school seminar days
- Open from 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM during holiday weeks
Also at this location
What does a day at our after-school care look like?
Every day may be different at after-school care. Below you can find out what a day at our after-school care basically looks like on a regular school day.
Once school is out, we pick your child up from school or your child comes to after-school care independently.
When all children are inside, we have a moment together at the table for a healthy snack and drink. We take this moment to catch up with the children and listen to their stories about that day at school.
After the table time, the children can choose to join in with the activities we provide or play independently. They can go frolic, read quietly, listen to music, do homework et cetera, or do nothing for a while. The children can also go and play outside in the garden.
6:30pm: time to come and pick up your child or your child will go home independently by arrangement. If you pick up your child, there will be time for a handover talk with the educational staff member to take you though the afternoon. The educational staff member will particularly focus on your child’s growth during the afternoon.
Practical information
Settling in at after-school care
During the settling-in period, we take the time to get to know both you and your child, and let you familiarise with the new situation. Settling in is an individual matter, matching the developmental stage of children and the specific needs and habits of children and parents.
Division into groups
After-school care Alsemlaan has two groups for children aged 4 to 13.
Parent committee
The parent committee of after-school care Alsemlaan can be reached at
How much are the costs of childcare?
Would you like to find out about the costs of childcare? Use our handy calculator tool to quickly work out how much your costs will be.
Would you like a tour?
Do you want to take a look around this location? You are welcome to a personal tour. We will be happy to tell you more about our educational vision and show you where your child will be developing naturally through fun and play.
Registration – how does it work?
Learn more about how to register for childcare at KinderRijk and what to expect during the further procedure.
Area Health Authority Report (GGD) + LRK-number
Read the Area Health Authority Report for after-school care Alsemlaan (please note that the former name of after-school care ZonneKids is still used for this report).
LRK number: 276647890
Educational method
In the Educational method, you can find more about the daily routine at the location. The Educational method can be viewed in the parent app or requested at the location.
Health & safety method
The Health and safety method contains all the details on how the safety policy is implemented at the location. The Health and safety method can be viewed in the parent app or requested at the location.
Our location manager

Yentl van Geffen
Hello, I am Yentl van Geffen, location manager of KinderRijk Pandora.
At the age of 18 I started off as a BBL (training on the job) trainee at after-school care. I was instantly hooked and have worked in childcare ever since. And currently as location manager.
I believe it is essential that both children and staff are given the opportunity to develop their qualities and are able to show what they have to offer. As location manager, I consider it my job to ensure that everyone can effectively work on his or her development.
“Our professionals are passionate co-educators, who care deeply about contributing to children’s development.”
1187 EP Amstelveen