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KinderRijk Pandora
KinderRijk Pandora
Home > KinderRijk Pandora and Alsemlaan (formerly KC De Stoel)

As of April 1, 2024, the childcare locations of Kindercentrum de Stoel are part of Stichting KinderRijk. KDV ‘t Stoeltje, HDO ‘t Stoeltje and BSO de Stoelbus will continue under the name KinderRijk Pandora (located in the Brede school Omnibus). KDV ZonneStoeltje, HDO ZonneStoeltje and BSO ZonneKids will continue under the name KinderRijk Alsemlaan.

Together with the current staff, we will continue to give the children the space to grow, be curious and develop themselves in their own way and at their own pace!

Exploring at KinderRijk

At KinderRijk, we encourage children in many ways to discover the world around them. We give children space to say what they like and what they believe is important. We anticipate to this with our range of activities.

Why KinderRijk?

  • Fun is key!

    Everything starts with fun here at KinderRijk. Children who have fun feel at home, feel safe, tend to be open to others and have a wider focus, they will go play and go on an exploration.

  • Respect for nature & each other!

    We take a sustainable view of the world and the development of our children and staff. Children start to care for our planet and each other in a natural and playful way.

  • Playful Development

    By exploring together, children grow with regard to independence, perseverance, flexibility and in showing spirit. Together, we enjoy the special moments every day: from rolling over for the first time to toddler friendships and to reaching the highest branch of a tree.

  • Growing with Imagination!

    In your imagination, you can do anything! By immersing yourself in fantasy, you learn to process and deal with experience and emotions. You can fly, swim in a pool full of choclate custard or turn sand into magic dust. Anything goes, within KinderRijk’s safe world.