Hurray! Kindercentrum De Stoel now officially part of KinderRijk
The locations of Kindercentrum De Stoel are now officially part of Stichting KinderRijk. They will be continued under the names of KinderRijk Pandora and KinderRijk Alsemlaan.
To celebrate this event, Margreet Hellemons-van Dijk (our chairman of the Board), Soufyan el Hamdi (member of the Board) and Annette de Wit (Childcare Manager) visited the new KinderRijk locations this morning with a surprise box. The box contained all kinds of things, including decorations to celebrate KinderRijk’s 55th anniversary and a voucher as a welcome gift, which can be used to buy new (play) materials.
Thankful for the trust
We are delighted that Jantine and Peter Stoelman (the former owners of Child Centre De Stoel) opted for us because of our added value to society. Together with the permanent teams at the locations, we will continue to make sure that the children have every opportunity to indulge in their interests and curiosity and to develop at their own pace.
Jantine and Peter; thank you for your trust in us. To all staff, parents and children we wish to say: welcome to KinderRijk!
Learn more?
Learn more about our new locations: KinderRijk Pandora and KinderRijk Alsemlaan.

From left to right: Annette de Wit (Childcare Manager), Margreet Hellemons-van Dijk (Chairman of the Board) en Soufyan el Hamdi (Member of the Board)