Childcare organisation De Stoel to KinderRijk Foundation
The owners of Kindercentrum De Stoel have signed a letter of intent to transfer their organisation, with two locations in Amstelveen, to KinderRijk from 1 April next. The transfer can take place upon approval from our supervisory board and employees council.
We are proud that KinderRijk has been opted for
We are proud and pleased that trust has been placed in the KinderRijk Foundation. The transition strengthens the position and added value of social care in our city; we are happy that the decision was made not to opt for a for-profit party.
Our intention is to retain the staff and permanent teams to ensure continuity for the children and their parents.
Social added value
With this development, KinderRijk is taking a good step towards adding more substance to the social value of childcare. This all benefits the care of children in Amstelveen. We give children space to grow, explore and develop in their own way and at their own pace.

from left to right Soufyan el Hamdi en Margreet Hellemons-van Dijk (Board of Directors KinderRijk), Jantine en Peter Stoelman (Kindercentrum De Stoel)