KinderRijk is responsible for the content of this website. We endeavour to keep the information up-to-date and correct. If you read something that is not up-to-date or correct, please let us know so that we can edit it accordingly. We also appreciate being informed if a part of the website does not operate smoothly.
All information accessible through this site is protected by copyright. This applies to texts, logos, and photo materials. Distributing copies is not permitted without acknowledgment of the source.
Any information you provide is handled in confidence. Your personal details will only be used for the purpose for which you provided them.
This website uses cookies to improve user experience when visiting the site (for instance to remember your preferences) and to collect data on the use of the website. We use Google Analytics, the web analytics service provided by Google.
Design and realisation
KinderRijk has realised this site in collaboration with Juist.